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You are here


My project, "You Are Here: The Power of Place and the Meaning in Making," explored the emotional and psychological connections between place, memory, and identity through slow-making practices like knitting, embroidery, patchwork, and natural dyeing. The goal was to gain a deeper understanding of how place influences memory and emotion, while also developing a more thoughtful and intuitive approach to creating textiles. Inspired by maps—both literal and metaphorical—I investigated the human instinct to map our surroundings and how that related to personal memory and identity.

I traced the contours of landscapes with hand-embroidered motifs, using various techniques including embroidery, patchwork, and digital explorations. This slower approach to making allowed me to form a deeper connection with my work, fostering a better understanding of the materials I used. My research into different types of maps, from traditional to modern, and our increasing reliance on digital mapping, was integrated into my textile work, where I balanced creative inspiration with practical execution.

At the core of this project was the exploration of how place shapes personal memory, storytelling, and emotional connections. By reflecting on these themes, I sought to shape my future design practice with an emphasis on sustainability, creativity, and personal growth.